Privacy PolicyPrivacy policy. 1. Web store, under domain sagear.eu is owned by CHAKRA Paweł Ścibiorek, Szafrana 4, 30-363 Krakow, POLAND Vat no: PL8722325365, REGON 180421673. 2. Customer by registering or placing an order at the store sagear.eu consents to the collection and processing of personal data by sagear.eu provided in the form of personal data in accordance with the Law on Personal Data Protection of 09.29.1997 (Journal of Laws No. 133 item. 883), as amended. Data will be processed in order to keep the shop, in particular: - benefits available via the Service, - the conclusion of the contract of sale and service of orders placed by Customer - marketing services and goods provided by sagear.eu (if consent given) - handling the registration process - processing a possible claim - sending by sagear.eu e-mail ordered bulletin (newsletter) - adapt sagear.eu to the needs of Customers 3. Your personal data will be transmitted to third parties only for processing the specific order submitted by the Customer. It implies in particular the shipping agents (postal and shipping companies), and operators that process payments. 4. Customer is entitled to inspect the contents of personal data and amend them, and also request removal of aforementioned data. For this purpose, please send an e-mail with the appropriate request to the address sag@sagear.eu or call the telephone number +48 12 267 04 66 or use the ‘My Account’ feature on the sagear.eu website. - to maintain client session (after logging in), whereby the customer does not have on every page site sagear.eu retype username and password - adapting to the needs of sagear.eu customers and other people using the service, - the creation of audience statistics of sagear.eu website |